Aries Rising

I have an Aries Rising Sign with several exact aspects to it and Aries rules hair. In line with that, I have great hair and my hair has a life and mind of its own.

In my youth, I felt I had difficult hair. It was naturally wavy, except in one spot in front where it was mostly straight and this helped make hairstyles challenging. It was also fragile and got fried if I used a hair dryer too much or curling iron. 

Under the David Kibbe typing system, I'm a Soft Dramatic. Kibbe recommends a slightly asymmetrical hairstyle for Soft Dramatics and that works well for me in part because it helps hide the weirdness where this one patch of hair is less curly.

Or was. 

In recent months, my hair has decided to go mostly STRAIGHT all over for the first time ever as a fun new trick for reasons I cannot fathom beyond: My hair has always just done whatever it felt like doing without consulting me while people complimented me on "dying" it or "adding highlights" and I struggled to figure out how to reply to that assumption.

Um, no. In most cases, I didn't DO anything to my hair. My hair just does stuff and seems to have a sense of humor at my expense.

I long ago quit bothering to dry my hair. I've kept it short for years for health reasons and learned to live with its quirks and now it's a feature, not a bug, that my hair is all "Bitch, stop fussing with me and let me be!" because IF I have the right hair cut and NEVER blowdry it or style it with heated appliances or chemicals, it's very low maintenance while people still randomly compliment me on how they LOVE what I've DONE with my hair.

Yeah, I've done NOTHING or as close to nothing as possible. If I leave it alone as much as possible, it's happy and usually cute and I'm baffled.

I've dyed my hair with hair dye exactly once, though I unintentionally went red for a bit while using a henna shampoo. I looked very strange and very Irish as a redhead and stopped using henna, never mind how wonderful henna makes hair feel.

I was blonde as a child and my mom likes me blonde and always encouraged me to keep it blonde. She was always putting lemon in my hair in my youth to keep it more on the blonde side as it gradually turned brunette during adolescence.

When I was a child, she would put modified sponge curlers in my hair at bedtime so I woke up with curls without using an appliance or spending much time on this look. And then I had Shirley Temple curls all day without hairspray and without getting up early to do my hair.

But, I digress. 

When I was married, I guess I didn't get out much because I was very much a brunette during my marriage and one year I visited my mom and she asked me to dye it blonde for her and I agreed.

So she went and bought me hair dye and she paid extra for a hypoallergenic dye and I used it in the shower per the instructions. Afterwards, you couldn't tell I had done anything to my hair and I also broke out in hives. 

The next day, I went swimming in her pool and it lightened my hair more than the dye and also didn't give me hives. So I have never dyed it again and I just let it decide what color it likes to be.

It generally trends some shade of blonde and typically looks darker after a haircut because it grows in brunette. How blonde depends on factors like where I'm living and how much time I'm spending outside.

In recent months, I'm mostly platinum blonde which I've never been before. This coincides with also having straight hair but I have no clue if the two things are related.

Platinum blonde has been fun. It helps hide the gray patches I have but some conversation with someone complimenting me on coloring it makes me think some people think I'm 900 years old and it's ALL grey from age.

Silly me, I was explaining that I don't dye it and giving my usual explanation out of habit that the sun bleaches it out and only later realized she probably thinks I'm old, all my hair is white and I ADDED color because I had cut it and it was looking more yellow blonde in places and less platinum blonde.

I try to have a cut I like and I wash it regularly and that's about it. At this point, I haven't owned a hairdryer or even a comb in more than a decade and I frequently have great hair without really trying and I've stopped viewing my hair as "difficult" like I did in my teens and twenties.

During the Pandemic, I turned brunette again because you couldn't go anywhere so I was getting out less. That experience is what makes me think "I didn't get out much as a homemaker and that's why I was brunette during my marriage." because my hair has always readily bleached out if exposed to sun, salt water etc.

I tend to keep it short because it looks good short and I can't dry it without it going to hell and my face does better when my hair is short. I have a medical condition and my face gets jowly and looks old when my hair is too long. I cut it short again and I look five to ten years younger within 48 hours, so youthful face FTW, though men tend to like long hair so I guess I'm never dating again.


I no longer photograph well. I still tend to get misread as younger than I am and I tend to look better without makeup than many women do with makeup but photos look awful compared to what I see in the mirror and I no longer post photos of me online for a variety of reasons.

I don't publish photos of me in part simply because my vanity is alive and well, in part because I've thought a lot about and write a lot about women's issues and for "political" reasons I fundamentally object to this SHIT where how a woman looks is all that matters.

I've also known people well who were really good to me and came from cultures with strong opinions about the importance of not objectifying people and those experiences convincd me that there's something meaningful in their practices that I valued. One came from a Muslim culture and the other was Pacific Islander. 

My Rising Sign is strongly aspected by both Mercury and Jupiter which are conjunct in Gemini. In line with that detail, I do a LOT of writing and a lot of that writing is about ME, sometimes including information about how I look, so there are volumes of WORDS about me on the Internet but to the best of my knowledge there are currently no photos of me published anywhere and it's likely to stay that way.

If your hair has a life and mind of its own, look for Aries ascendant, Mars aspecting the ascendant or placed in the first house and strong aspects from other factors. I have an exact aspect from Uranus to my ascendant and that fits with asymmetric haircuts working for me.

If I recall correctly, my Uranus is also in Virgo in the fifth house and part of a stellium by transition of light with three heavenly bodies in Virgo in the sixth house.

Virgo and the sixth house have things in common and both trend towards influencing physical health whereas the fifth house rules creativity. 

Finding "creative" solutions to my hair challenges is frequently rooted in health issues. So my Uranus placement suggests a solution to "unfixable" problems with my health and my looks.

Just be creative and brilliant. No big.