
The name of this site is from an album that someone gifted me when I was a teenager because I was born under the Sun Sign Gemini.

At least in theory I'm a Gemini. The constellations are no longer in line with our astrological calendars, so that may be inaccurate and perhaps should be investigated and updated, much like other calendars were inaccurate historically and had to be updated.

I hate Sun Sign astrology. It's complete garbage and it gives serious astrologers a bad reputation and I resent being perceived through that lens as someone who takes astrology seriously and studied it in earnest.

Like probably most people on planet Earth, I grew up in a family that had certain beliefs and passed them onto me. If you get told from birth to believe x, y, z, and you believe it and never question it, you basically are a victim of brainwashing.

I've spent a lot of years trying to fix my relationship to a set of beliefs to which I have a complex relationship and which I found scarring at one time, astrology being just one of those beliefs. I've made my peace with it and concluded that there's absolutely nothing wrong with believing that the Sun, the Moon and other heavenly bodies influence life here on Earth because they do and we know that for a fact.

Most life on Earth is dependent on the Sun's rays, the Sun also causes wind and the Moon causes the ocean's tides. Astrology most likely began primarily as a form of weather prediction essential to trying to grow enough food.

The sidebar of this site originally said:

The irrational belief that the Sun, the Moon and other heavenly bodies influence life here on Earth via invisible forces.

Like gravity.
I previously had that in my Hacker News profile because those folks have no respect for astrology and are openly contemptuous. For a time, this site was an attempt to rail against the machine so to speak.

Fuck them and their hypocrisy.

It's not only not crazy to believe that heavenly bodies influence life here on Earth, it's crazy to deny the idea. But somewhere along the way, astrology jumped the shark. It got all weird and needs to course correct.

The way popular astrology gets handled is a large part of why I found it scarring to believe in astrology. I still believe astrology is meaningful and has value but most astrological writing is still mired in illogical beliefs rife with emotional baggage, like the idea that mathematically exact aspects are fate aspects and that some aspects and planets are good influences and others are bad influences.
Astra inclinant, sed non obligant.

(The stars incline us. They do not bind us.)
This is my attempt to rescue the baby from the bathwater it's been drowning in for ages. If you wish to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem, you are welcome to use ideas from here to extend my work.

If you have any ethics, you should give credit where appropriate. And if you don't, I hope karma is a real mean bitch to you.