
Like probably most people on planet Earth, I grew up in a family that had certain beliefs and passed them onto me. If you get TOLD from BIRTH to believe x, y, z, and you BELIEVE it and never question it, you basically are a victim of brainwashing.

I'm older than I used to be. I've spent a lot of years trying to fix my relationship to a set of BELIEFS to which I have a complex relationship and which I found scarring at one time, astrology being just ONE of those beliefs.

So you can view this blog as a form of FREE THERAPY. That's probably the least worst way to view it.

The name is from an album that someone gifted me when I was a teenager because I was born under what modern astrologers think of as the Sun Sign Gemini.

First, let me say emphatically that I HATE Sun Sign astrology. It's complete GARBAGE.

Second, given that the constellations have MOVED over the millenia, I'm probably NOT actually a Gemini. Someone look into that and FIX THIS GARBAGE. Please and thank you.

But I'm keeping it as the name for this blog ANYWAY. Because I LIKE IT.