Aries Rising

I have an Aries Rising Sign. It's strongly aspected by Mercury and Jupiter in Gemini and Uranus in Virgo.

In line with my Aries Rising Sign, people often see me as aggressive, firey, even combative. In many cases, this is a wild misinterpretation of me being very chatty and having ideas I want to explain and have properly understood.

I blog more than I used to and participate less in online discussions because I don't actually like fighting with people. Blogging lets me be chatty and talk about ideas that interest me without people feeling like I am refusing to listen to their take and I'm "cramming my opinion down their throat" when I'm usually just going "No, wait, I think you STILL did not understand me. THIS is what I am trying to get across..."

Somewhere along the way I figured out that more explaining often reads as just digging my grave deeper and learned to do less of that.

I think if I didn't do astrology, I would have a LOT of baggage about "What the hell, man? Where do you get these weird ideas about me? I'm a nice person and not trying to pick fights here."

But since I do astrology and know I have an Aries Rising Sign, I just chalk it up to that: Oh, people just SEE me that way, and don't confuse them the facts!

It's long been my goal to get perceived as inspiring rather than fighty, which is an interpretation of fire signs with which I am more comfortable.